Our new NCOMMS paper in the media
Links to media releases: https://natureecoevocommunity.nature.com/users/170958-pedro-r-frade/posts/38391-the-deeply-appalling-condition-o...

Coral bleaching runs deep on the Great Barrier Reef
Our new study demonstrates that the recent mass coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef was not restricted to shallow depths, but also...

Characterizing the microbiome of the gastrovascular cavity of corals
Well busy, here in Faro, running experiments to investigate how the microbiome associated with the gastrovascular cavity of heterotrophic...

Monitoring mass bleaching at the Far Northern GBR
Invited by a team of researchers from the University of Queensland, I had the opportunity of traveling to the Far Northern section of the...

Congratulations Master Glasl!
Our newest study on the role the coral microbiome plays in mediating host homeostasis and survival just got accepted for publication in...

“Scopulum Anima - Reef Soul”, an underwater 360 documentary
Director and digital artist Roman Hansi during the production of “Scopulum Anima - Reef Soul”, a full-dome underwater documentary...

Plunging back in time through wet coral collection of the Natural History Museum in Vienna
Thanks to a team of collaborators in the Natural History Museum in Vienna, some unsolved mysteries pertaining to the way corals and their...

Data collected deep down finally published!
A lot of the data collected along submarine dives to the deep reefs of Curaçao is finally published. Congratulations Pim! Please find...